Walldén, Rea Emilia Alexandra
Rea Walldén is a semiotician and film theorist. She wrote her doctoral thesis on theepistemology of semiotics and deconstruction at Cardiff University under the supervision of Christopher Norris. She is currently Adjunct Assistant Professor in the AthensSchool of Fine Arts and has also taught at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, the Universityof Thessaly, Cardiff University and the Cardiff School of Art and Design. In2012-13 she held a post-doctoral research grant at Aristotle University. She is a memberof the Hellenic Semiotic Society, the Society for European Philosophy, and the EuropeanNetwork for Avant-Garde and Modernism Studies. She has published articles onsemiotics, epistemology, film theory and film history, co-written the script for the fulllengthfilm Thief or Reality by Antoinetta Angelidi and directed short experimentalfilms. Her research interests include the epistemological status of cinema, materialityin cinema, and the politics of form in avant-garde cinema