Orientation of the Sardinian nuragic “meeting huts”

Part of : Mediterranean archaeology & archaeometry : international journal ; Vol.16, No.4, 2016, pages 195-201

In the past decades, there have been a number of studies about the orientation of the Sardinian monuments (domus de janas, dolmen, tombe di giganti, nuraghes, megaron and sacred wells) (Zedda 2013, Gonzalez et al. 2014). These monuments characterized the landscape of prehistoric Sardinia. Here we are presenting the results of a study of the orientation of the "capanne delle riunioni" ("meetings huts"). The "meetings huts" are particular buildings placed inside the nuragic villages dated between the Late Bronze Age and Iron Age (XIII – IX sec. a.C.) sometimes developed around preexisting nuraghes or sometimes in nuragic villages without any nuraghe. These buildings are huts of considerable dimensions, characterized by specific furniture which distinguishes them from the other inhabited areas which constituted the villages. Inside the "meetings huts" took place the meetings of the heads of the families and/or liturgical and religious meetings. The orientation of the “meetings huts” confirms the astronomic target of the nuraghes.
Subject (LC):
Sardinia, nuraghes, archaeoastronomy, meetings huts, nuragic
Περιέχει 6 εικόνες και 3 πίνακες
References (1):
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