IT-innovation and technologies transfer to heritage sites : The case of Madaba, Jordan

Part of : Mediterranean archaeology & archaeometry : international journal ; Vol.16, No.2, 2016, pages 41-46

Using information and communication technologies (ICT) in tourism planning enhances sustainable tourism and better management, analysis, and decision support in the tourism industry. This study assessed the use of ICT in the promotion of tourism and the management of Madaba city in Jordan. The approach of this study addressed eleven indicators for the assessment such as: the type of organization, the organization’s activities, the ICT and community involvement, the ICT usage within heritage sites; online availability, the training and skills, sharing of information electronically, E-Commerce, the ICT applications, and technology for heritage interpretation. The study targeted ten main stakeholders related to the field of heritage and tourism in the historical core of Madaba including eight destinations and two management organizations. The results show that using ICT technologies in the city of Madaba are abundant, and are not seen as a tool either in the tourism management or in the tourist’s visits. Accordingly, an interactive Virtual Tour 360° HD was designed including an online website and mobile application to offer new ways of visitor interaction with the visited sites in Madaba. In addition, a web GIS Map was produced for the downtown of the city to transfer the use of advanced technologies in the integrated management of the city
Subject (LC):
Jordan, Madaba, Innovation, Virtual Reality, Cultural heritage, Sustainable Tourism
Περιέχει 2 εικόνες και 5 πίνακες
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