Κοινωνιογλωσσικές αναπαραστάσεις της κατασκευής του φύλου στον τηλεοπτικό λόγο : Η περίπτωση της σειράς Εργαζόμενη Γυναίκα

Part of : Γλωσσολογία ; Vol.23, 2015, pages 23-44

In this study we explore sociolinguistic representations of female gender construction in the popular Greek TV series Working Woman {Εργαζόμενη Γυναίκα). The analysis of three selected scenes, based on "the identities in interaction" model of Bucholtz & Hall (2005), suggests that working women are depicted as struggling to combine a professional with a family or a female identity. This incongruity between a public and a private identity, which is a dominant representation of women in media, is also expressed through the sociolinguistic resources upon which women are represented as drawing. Since these hegemonic gendered representations are contextualized as humorous, TV viewers could interpret them as cognitively and sociolinguistically incongruous, by being invited to laugh at the "working women" they watch. We suggest that sociolinguistics could enrich research on gender representations in TV and cinematic fiction, since the fluidity and complexity of the (fictional) construction of gender identities at talk can be better explored. Moreover, the study of gender indexicality can combine protoor stereo-typical "feminine" and "masculine" communicative practices of conversationalists (sociolinguistics of gender) with the categories of men and women constructed in interaction (Membership Categorization Analysis). The exploration of social categorizations of conversationalists can thus better explain the indexical value that "feminine" and "masculine" styles of talk acquire by participants themselves in a specific (fictional) context.
Subject (LC):
αρσενικός και θηλυκός τρόπος ομιλίας, δεικτικότητα, έμφυλες αναπαραστάσεις, κατηγορία μέλους, τηλεόραση
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