Economics in secondary education : a case study in Greece

Part of : Αρχείον οικονομικής ιστορίας ; Vol.XXIV, No.1, 2012, pages 69-91

The current project evaluates an interdisciplinary approach to teaching economic theory through literature, in the context of Greek secondary education (Senior High School). The research uses the timeless modern Greek novel Honour and Money from Konstantinos Theotokis, in teaching the lesson “Principles of Economic Theory” in the 3rd year of senior high school. The main research aim is to investigate the extent to which literature can contribute to the improvement of teaching and student learning.
Subject (LC):
interdisciplinary, action research, critical thought, literature and teaching economic theory, effective teaching and learning
JEL classification: I29, Z1, Questionnaire in Appendix
References (1):
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