Local painted pottery tradition from Inland Southwest Anatolia and its contribution to second millennium B.C. chronology

Part of : Mediterranean archaeology & archaeometry : international journal ; Vol.15, No.2, 2015, pages 191-214

A paint-decorated pottery tradition is observed in Inner Southwest Anatolia from the early 16th century B.C. to the 11th century B.C. These pottery items, which are characterised by red, brown or black paint decorations over gold wash ware, were first discovered at Beycesultan Höyük and Aphrodisias followed by a significant recent discovery at Laodikeia Asopos Tepesi excavations and included in the Late Bronze Age repertory. This group of wares preserved its general characteristics during the Late Bronze Age as a conservative craft tradition. During both the early and the late phases of the Late Bronze Age the pottery is represented at all three centres with gold-washed wares decorated with similar motifs. The Local Painted Pottery Tradition, which is important for the to-be-revised 2nd millennium B.C. chronology since it was observed during a specific time period, might be accepted as one of the factors that characterizes the Late Bronze age in Inland Western Anatolia.
Subject (LC):
Beycesultan Höyük, Asopos Tepesi, Aphrodisias, ceramic, painted pottery, Late Bronze Age
Corresponding author: Erim Konakçı (erimkonakci@hotmail.com)
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