Pigment in western Iberian schematic rock art : an analytical approach

Part of : Mediterranean archaeology & archaeometry : international journal ; Vol.15, No.1, 2015, pages 163-175

This paper explores the processes involved in the production of prehistoric paintings using inorganic pigmentation. The focus for discussion involves a number of rock-shelter sites that contain rock art within the western part of the Iberian Peninsula, with particular reference to the sites that contain Schematic rock art. A direct date cannot be obtained on rock art that is made with inorganic pigments. However, sampling and subsequent analysis has clearly shown that pigments were produced using tried and tested recipes that involved the use of sometimes organic binders. This paper will explore the chemical and mineralogical qualities of sampled pigments from a selected number of sites within Spain and Portugal and suggest that pigmentation was more than just applying paint to rock.
Subject (LC):
painting, pigmentation, ochre, Raman spectroscopy, schematic rock art
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