Η μεταβυζαντινή γλυπτική στο Άγιο Όρος
Part of : Μακεδονικά ; Vol.33, 2002, pages 195-216
Parallel Title:
The Post-Byzantine Sculpture on Mount Athos.
Section Title:
In this study illustrated the production of work of sculpture on the Mount Athos at the period of Ottoman domination (1424-1912).The method of research is based on the presentation of material, through his morphological and typological analysis. Then, the study of subjects of decoration is followed and, finally, the data of comparative study of material, in combination with the testimonies of inscriptions and written sources, help in the localisation workshop and famous sculptor (Zacharias Filippotis, Demetrius Mavromaras). In conclusion, we realise that on Mount Athos coexist harmoniously different between them artistic tendencies, that emanate from continental Greece (W. Macedonia, Epirus), the Cyclades (Tinos, Chios) and Constantinople. Consequently, the development of sculpture on Mount Athos in the post-byzantine period shows with explicit way artistic tendencies and the character of post-byzantine sculpture in the Hellenic area.
856:https://ejournals.epublishing.ekt.gr/index.php/makedonika/article/view/5846, DOI: https://doi.org/10.12681/makedonika.285
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