Development of port management in the transport economy

Part of : WSEAS transactions on business and economics ; Vol.7, No.4, 2010, pages 414-423

Transport has been considered as the subsystem of a technologic system that incorporates both production and transports itself thus leading to several important consequences, which may be identified in the steps of a modern port developing. Setting up an effective organization is the essential factor deriving from its managerial capacity in the competitive economy we strive after. This capacity is not only a fundamental attribute but the conditioning parameter and guarantor of organizations sustainability and longevity in an effervescent environment that is continuously changing of the competitive economy. In such a context, the present paper is an important means of emphasizing the management importance in a separate area of the real economy, namely the port economy. The paper presents two major issues brought about by the current and future development of transport industry in port activity, namely those related to port reform and defining elements of port management in order to substantiate a viable program. Like all economic entities in the port sector as well, management is looking for through various objectives, enabling the port management to accomplish the intended goals, to adopt measures and courses of actions and development which comply with the environment in which they evolve.
Subject (LC):
port, port companies, shipment, port management, port reform, port activities, port service
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