A positive aspect of religion

Part of : Επιστημονική επετηρίς της Θεολογικής Σχολής του εν Αθήνησι Πανεπιστημίου ; Vol.ΛΑ, No.1, 1996, pages 31-36

First, the particular point of view of this introduction is specified: how theologians of our time have countered attacks against religion especially from the fields of science, sociology and psychology. Our remarks are limited to two areas: a) the problems of human existence and b) the crisis of our moral values.Concerning our existence it is stressed that in spite of our progress in science and technology, and given the attacks by Marxism and psychology against religion, we are today more deeply concerned about our existential problems than ever before. Present-day theological thought tries to avoid traditional supernaturalism as well as the im- manentism of atheism, emphasising at the same time man’s need for «otherness» in the sense of a «groud of our being». Without this reference, it is believed that man will have a hard time finding satisfactory solutions to his individual and social problems.The crisis of our moral values is due to factors in our economic and social system very negative to cooperative process and to human solidarity. Religions proved unable to cure the weak points in our system, and religious divisions cannot cope with global planning by modern capitalism. However, serious efforts have been launched by the World Council of Churches, a product mainly of the Protestant world, and by the Second Vatican Council, a product of the Roman Catholic World. Special mention is made of liberation theology in the Third World and feminist theology in the Protestant world.
Subject (LC):
Το άρθρο περιέχεται στο τιμητικόν ἀφιέρωμα εἰς Νικόλαον Α. Νησιώτη, Εισήγηση σε panel του 1st International Conference on Human Behaviour and the Meaning of Modern Humanism (Δελφοί 14-17 ’Ιουνίου 1995). Tο Panel είχε τίτλο: Αρνητικές καί θετικές εκτιμήσεις τής Θρησκείας.