Islands and destination image : the case of Ios

Part of : Tourismos : an international multidiciplinary journal of tourism ; Vol.3, No.1, 2008, pages 180-199

Section Title:
Research notes
This study was conducted to identify the image of Ios as a tourist destination asperceived by the visitors, in order to contribute to the formation of an effectivemarketing plan. The strengths and weaknesses of the image of Ios were measuredand presented, accompanied with a number of recommendations. The findingsrevealed that Ios has a very strong destination image as a party island, with themajority of the visitors being international young students coming to enjoy therelaxing atmosphere and the party mood of the island. As a result, Ios needs tostrengthen its image compared to other islands or destinations which offer thesame product, by promoting its competitive advantages, such as; the nightlife, therelatively low prices, the relaxing atmosphere and the friendliness of the locals.
Subject (LC):
destination image, islands, Ios
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