Εγκέφαλος, μάθηση, νοημοσύνη και εκπαίδευση
Part of : Επιστήμες Αγωγής ; No.2, 2005, pages 7-32
Even though neurosciences have made a great progress in the recent years in exploring some of the structures and functions of the human brain, their findings concerning learning, development and intelligence are not sufficient to directly enlighten the educational practice. Various research findings concerning the human brain, learning and intelligence as they are derived from cognitive / educational psychology are presented in this article and their instructional implications are drawn. To this end, the theory of multiple intelligence and “brain based learning and teaching" are discussed. Such views have the potential to enlarge our horizon as to how the human faculties can collaborate in order to produce intelligent behavior and the educated person.
Subject (LC):
μάθηση, εγκέφαλος, εκπαίδευση, πολλαπλοί τύποι νοημοσύνης, προγράμματα σπουδών
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