Προσχολικοί δείκτες πρόγνωσης αναγνωστικών δεξιοτήτων στην Α' δημοτικού
Part of : Επιστήμες Αγωγής ; No.1, 2008, pages 71-88
Before entering first grade, at which point formal reading instruction is first provided, children have already acquired a number of skills relevant for learning to read, including "inside-out" context-free components, such as phonological awareness and knowledge of the alphabet, and "outside-in" semantic and narrative components, such as vocabulary and text structure knowledge. In the present study of 55 Greek children we report the predictive value of preschool measures, taken in the last month (May) of Kindergarten, with respect to early reading achievement, as measured in February of first grade. Predictive measures included expressive vocabulary, narrative speech, alphabet knowledge (letter names & sounds), phonological awareness (phonemic & syllabic), print awareness, and name writing. Reading measures included word, nonword, and passage reading accuracy and time, reading comprehension, and spelling. Phonemic awareness and knowledge of the alphabet consistently emerged as the most important predictive measures, with print awareness contributing significantly to passage reading. Vocabulary was found to be related to reading speed. The results are consistent with findings in other languages and suggest possible enhancements to the Kindergarten curriculum aiming to facilitate emerging literacy and initial reading development.
Subject (LC):
αναδυόμενος γραμματισμός, προσχολικοί δείκτες, αναγνωστική ανάπτυξη, φωνολογική επίγνωση, γνώση αλφαβήτου
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