Η έκθεσις του στρατηγού Κ. Μοσχόπουλου περί των αιτιών της υποχωρήσεως του στρατού εις την Μικράν Ασίαν
Part of : Παρνασσός ; Vol.ΜΘ, No.1, 2007, pages 307-356
Parallel Title:
The report of General K. Moschopoulos on the causes of the retreat of the Greek Army in Asia Minor
The author publishes the full text of the report submitted to the Greek Ministry of Military Affairs on April the 19th, 1926, by General K. Moschopoulos, president of the Committee appointed to investigate into the causes of the disastrous outcome of the Asia Minor campaign of 1922. The text is preceded by a comprehensive introduction of the author, describing the general politcal climate of the time as well as the particular circumstances surrounding the composition of the report, with a view to shed a new light on the upheavals, the conflicts and the fatal political and strategic errors wich led to the humiliating defeat of 1922 and the subsequent expulsion of Greeks from Asia Minor..
Subject (LC):
Περιέχει εικόνες