Ανασκαφή MM ιερού Κορυφής Βρύσινα Ρεθύμνης
Part of : Αρχαιολογικά ανάλεκτα εξ Αθηνών ; Vol.VII, No.2, 1974, pages 210-213
Parallel Title:
Excavation of the mm peak sanctuary of Vrysinas near Rethymnon
Section Title:
Αρχαιολογικά χρονικά
The excavation of the MM peak sanctuary of Vrysinas near Rethymnon, which began in 1972, was continued in September 1973 on behalf of the Historical and Archaeological Society of Western Crete. The deposits of thesanctuary, on the smooth slope east of the peak, have yielded an astounding number of votive offerings. Some of the figurines of bulls found are unusually large. Noteworthy is the presence of bull - shaped double rhyta, and of small birds represented in flight; other birds have their wings closed. The birds have possibly the meaning of the epiphany of the divinity. A number of boars’ tusks and the talon of an eagle have been recovered. The votaries show different characteristic stances of worship and bear various interesting dresses, jewels and hair - dresses. A votary has a large knife in his belt, like the well - known figurine from Petsophas, and another bears on the head a sort of petasos. The old age of some of the women is shown in their realistically hanging breasts, like in the Knossos fresco. Of interest are the independent human members. A male figurine has been made without a head and arms; evidently the illness was located on the torso. To this category probably belongs a unique bronze statuette of a man made on purpose without the part above the waist. On the other hand, during the excavation of 1972 a whole female bronze statuette was found.Among the other interesting finds noteworthy are several miniature bronze knives, two miniature bronze double axes, clay horns of consecration and fragments of stone altars. One of them has on its upper surface a Linear A inscription, which will be published in due time separately.The excavation of Vrysinas, one of the largest and most important peak sanctuaries of Crete, will be continued this year.
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