Was the Greek Enlightenment a vehicle for the ideas of the scientific revolution?
Part of : Balkan studies : biannual publication of the Institute for Balkan Studies ; Vol.40, No.1, 1999, pages 7-19
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The paper presents how the spreading of the knowledge of the so called“scientific revolution” which occurred in the Greek-language Colleges of theOttoman Empire at the times of the Greek Enlightenment (after the lastquarter of the 18th century), was prepared from the beginning of this century.Indeed, a number of Greek scholars were familiar with this new knowledge—or “new science” as called by them— already from the beginning of the 18thcentury, as they came in contact with that science in the European countrieswhere they studied or visited. But, mainly for ideological reasons, thesescholars presented to their Greek-speaking pupils only the “Greek science”, that means scientific knowledge prior to the scientific revolution, in order to revive that science in the country where it originated.
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